Monday, May 10, 2010

Fairy Tales By The Brothers Grimm

When I was a little kid there was a popular book titled "Fairy Tales By The Brothers Grimm."
Little did I know that six decades later I would be listening to "Fairy Tales By The Grim Brothers."

I dialed up a radio interview that a radio station did with Dave Conway. He is the talking tape loop BC Hydro plays when they want to sell a story.

He babbled on about how many studies and consultations "the company" had done in getting public feedback. He never bothered to mention a single case of actual feedback from any of those consolations.

He was also careful to refer to BC Hydro as "the company" making sure he created the impression that somehow there was a separation between BC Hydro and "Go for it Gordie's" office.

Good try Dave...........but nobody in this province is going to take that one at face value.

Dazzling dialogue Dave did what he was told to do and that was to follow the script (Lekstrom didn't get that message yet). The brain trust said "Dave get out there and baffle 'em with BS".

That's how it works when you start with a bias and then set out to prove it. You stuff the file with subtle hints of astounding amounts of due diligence and you avoid the bad news by making it sound like good news.

Dave never once mentioned costs nor did he even suggest viability was a consideration. Oddly enough Dave never bothered saying "the company owes the people of BC $7.3 billion, we lose money pretty much every year and we would like to accelerate that process".

I can't wait for the Dr Suess version of Site C. I can see it now. A guy with dark rim glasses blue and white knitted mittens, clapping and singing "I am I am the Man with the dam."

Actually it makes sense they should frame this in fairy tales aimed at 6 year olds.

They may be able to sneak it by them and in the end it will be them that have to pay for it.

PS.....will somebody please tell Lekstrom that California is still broke

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